More features - lesser reliability
Things may differ in your part of the world, but here in Denmark, Europe, I have noticed that things seem to go "the wrong way".Take telephony. The good ol' landline telephone is reliable. I have not heard of people loosing their connection in mid calls. A loss of a central switch is so unusual that it even makes the news, as in "residents of the xxx-area are temporarily without phone services." It usually adds that emergency calls still get through (some special redundancy circuits for the emergency number - clever stuff).
With the mobile phone we routinly accept that a call is broken for no reason (and going into a tunnel/elevator is a reason) . We also accept a lower quality of sound. Of course the mobile phone has one huge advantage over the old phone - it is mobile. I just question if people are aware that we accept the lower service - and as long as we accept it, there is no reason for the phone companies to improve.
Yesterday my ADSL internet connection went down. That is the 3rd time this year. A couple of hours outage. What made me ponder, was that I could switch to the old analoge modem (I have kept mine - for this type of fallback option). It never occured to me the analoge line might be down. And it has been reliable all the time. Yes - slower, but a connection at least. My internet provider wants extra money if I want both ADSL and modem. Fortunatly, there are still free Internet providers via analog/modem which I use in this case. (Which makes some minor technical challenges as I then cant do mail, as mail relaying from a different domain is prohibited, but there is the Web-version of the mail....)
So, todays BLOG entry's "moral" or conclusion is - beacuse of new features (mobile, faster bitrate) we seem to accept a lesser service or quality. Hmmm...